
The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

Speech Therapy Activity

Top 10 Speech and Language Developmental Toys

Toys for toddlers are fun and exciting essentials that encourage and motivate speech and language development. Toys motivate your child to engage in activities, listen and participate. Toys are also great motivators for little learners who need additional assistance with speech and language development.

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Speech Development for Toddlers

Speech development is sounds presented by your child’s voice that encourage your child to express words.  Language is words and gestures used by your child as communication. Toddler’s speech and language development takes time and patience. I totally understand how eager you are to hear words come out of your child’s mouth. Time, patience and practice make progress. Your child’s speech and language skills are still developing as a toddler. It’s not typical for all two-year-olds to all have 100 words in their vocabulary. That’s because all children learn, grasp and understand words differently.

Speech Learning Toys

What are the best Toys to encourage Speech and Language Development?

 Early Intervention for speech and language delays starts at home. If you have a late talker, a child with a speech and language delay, or a child with special needs, toys are here to help your child learn and develop. Toys take the role of being your personal assistant and encourage your child to learn, express and understand words. Your goal is to find toys that target physical, social /emotional, communication and cognitive development. Sensory toys are needed to meet your child’s specific preferences and sensory needs. The best toys to encourage speech and language development are:

Toddlers Hands On Learning Toys

Toddlers learn more by actively participating in activities. However, praising results that originated from trying will definitely boost your child’s self-esteem. Your child will enjoy touching and seeing the toy and become more actively engaged. Children that have the hands-on opportunity will then grasp the purpose of the object, game, or toys. Toys give your child fun and exciting ways to build communication skills. Here are the ten most recommend speech and language developmental toys for late talkers and children with speech and language delays.

Speech Activity Toys for Kids

Toddler Learning Toys : Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head has many assets that can be utilized to enhance your child’s speech and language developmental skills.  He is one of the best interactive learning toys in our home.  Personally, I would consider him a learning tool due to his teaching potential.  Teaching your child with Mr. Potato head is fun and offers your child a play-based learning experience.  Speech and language development will increase upon repetitional play.  

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

Mr. Potato Head

Toddler Speech Developoment Activity

Using Playdough to build speech and language skills are also great sensory satisfying motivators. However, start by having fun, being enthusiastic, and exaggerating. These tips will definitely have your child alert and ready to engage. You can express vocally the many colors and use word opposites to build your child’s vocabulary. For example, you can roll the playdough up into a ball and have your child place the balls inside the cup while practicing the word (in). You can also have your child practice the word (out) when taking the ball out. Play-doh has no limits when it comes to teaching your child words. Here are a few more words to have your child practice while playing with playdough: Open, close, in, out, ball, big, small, and all the colors. You can also get a little more creative and create objects like a cup, bowl, spoon, chair, phone, hat, and the list keeps ongoing. In addition, you can also create foods, animals, and even vehicles.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers


Toddlers First Word Flashcards

Flashcards are also a great developmental resource that will encourage and increase your child’s vocabulary. You can plan fun games to assure that your child is memorizing, understanding and have the ability to identify the cards. Flashcards offer a lot of images your child can visualize, point at, and practice saying. However, these flashcards are texture touch and can be utilized as a motivator. Baby and toddlers developed their first words at different paces. Here are 20 free flashcards to get you started!

Toddler First Flashcards 

Learning Posters for Kids

Learning posters also have many purposeful images your toddlers can become familiar with. Learning posters can be used on a routine to offer your child the additional repetition needed to grasp and understand. Place the poster in your child’s room or the hallway so that your child can view them daily. Practice pointing and encourage your child to repeat after you. Repetition is the key to progress for little learners, especially little learners with speech and language delays.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers


First Words For Babies and Toddlers

The more the images, the more words are introduced to your child. Books are great for speech and language development. Having a scheduled reading time for your child is a great form of repetition. Your child will begin to memorize the book, understand the images present in the book and recognize the words when voiced. You can select a few words to practice daily and repeat the same words throughout the day.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

100 Word Book/books

Practice Letter Sounds with your Toddler

Here you have 26 letter sounds your can practice which is a great way to exercise your child’s oral mechanics. Go through the alphabet letters one by one and encourage return vocal demonstration. This strategy is great pronunciation practice for your child. This toy can help you find the letter sound your child has difficulty pronunciating. You can then focus more on the letter sound that is more challenging for your child. The ABC school bus also says the letter and sound once the alphabet is inserted. This is additional repetition for your child to hear both and continue to practice. In addition, the ABC school bus singing the Wheels on the Bus and the ABC Song, Yahhhh!

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

Abc school bus

Learning Sounds with Farm Animals

Learning sounds are fun and seem to catch all children’s attention. Farm animal sounds are usually the first animal sounds children grasp. Farm Animals Farmhouseencourages your child to mimic the animal sounds. Animal sounds are fun, enthusiastic and great motivators to get your little one to repeat the animal sounds.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

Farm Animals

Speech and Language Motivator for Toddlers

Microphones encourage your toddler to talk and sing. You can also have your child repeat after you. Singing helps your child to express themselves and practice speech and language skills independently.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers


Toddlers Speech and Language Learning

Building speech and language skills with bubbles are also fun motivators to encourage toddlers to talk. You can play games and then use the bubbles as a reward. Your child can blow the bubbles which are great for practicing mouth positions. Encourage your child to say pop, pop, pop, or bubbles!

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers


Toddler Communication Development

Toddlers with speech and language delays can benefit from using sign language. Sign language cards can be added to your routine and practiced daily. However, sign language encourages an additional form of communication. Children with speech and language delays become frustrated because they can’t understand some of the words they are trying to tell us. Your child’s little mouth is still developing. Your child knows what he or she may want, but the sound of the word is not coming out in order for us to thoroughly understand them. However, teaching your child sign language can help you understand your child greatly.

The Best Speech and Language Toys For Toddlers

Sign Language Flashcards

Speech and Language Development : Short Story

My daughter began to learn sign language. She would sign appropriately but her sound/word that was coming out of her mouth did not seem to sound related to the sign. Initially, I was not open to sign language. I thought sign language would replace her vocabulary. She would try so hard to express her needs and wants and I couldn’t understand her. I wanted to understand my daughter more so we did it. Teaching her basic sign language was life-changing. I was able to understand her needs and wants. We taught her vocally so she can still hear the sounds/words while teaching the signs… She would sign and say her requests!!!

Speech and language development

Teaching Toddlers: Tips for Success

Eliminate Distrations

This helps your child focus on one thing and not become overwhelmed with many things at once.

Eye Level Interaction

Provide time to sit with your child at eye level. Help them understand the toy and actively play with your child at every level. This is also a great view for your child to see your mouth a mimic your mouth.


Create a speech and language developmental routine for your child. Include 30 to 40 minutes a day actively engaging with your child one on one at eye level. This offers your child to have a fun early intervention experience within the home. Repetition is the key to progress!!!

In Conclusion

The top ten speech and language developmental toys are great motivators for your child. These toys can help your child exercise their oral mechanics. In addition, practicing pronunciation of words.

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