“Tackle your Motherhood Journey with Joy”
Once you become a mom you have entered motherhood. You will cry, laugh and love your little ones unconditionally. As they grow and develop, you will learn their personality, strengths, weaknesses and establish so many memories. You will make a way even if a way doesn’t exist. You will forever call them your babies. Becoming a mom is truly a gift. I remember when I had my firstborn. I instantly began seeing myself change. During my pregnancy, I watched what I ate, constantly rubbed and sang songs to my belly. This behavior was not the behavior of typical Holly. Typical Holly was still in high school, going out every weekend and partying. Looking for someone to love me as much as I needed to be loved. I didn’t believe dreams existed and at that point in my life, I didn’t care to know. I was heading down the wrong path. Once I missed my period, I knew instantly that I was pregnant. I was scared and wondered what other people were going to think. I also felt a rush. A sense of unconditional love. I was so amazed to know that I was going to have someone that truly loves me for me. Feeling as if I was in a dream. I didn’t have to ask for love or go find love anymore. I always wished my dad had been in my life so I could have experienced that love and not look for love in the wrong places. At that point, my soul had become a protector. I did everything during my pregnancy to keep him safe. My soul became nurturing. Being pregnant opened my heart and mind. All I could think about was giving him the best life.
I finally believed in dreams and knew I’ll do whatever it takes to make his come true. Let me tell you, I loved him and love him so much. To care for him and answer his cries was a dream. He completed my emptiness and fulfilled me with joy. I honestly believe if I never got pregnant at that time in my life I wouldn’t be who I am today. I learned that motherhood was not easy but to have a love for someone unconditionally was the easiest experience of being a mother. Now all I can do is share my stories with them and protect them from experiencing them. He is now 13 years old and has a really big heart. He is smart, adventurous, loves science and is now the oldest out of the four.
The Beginning of Motherhood
- Having or accepting a child in your life.
- Experience a love so strong that never disappears.
- You will sacrifice your needs and wants as a priority to fulfill your child’s needs and wants. Yesss, I’m Guilty Too!
- You will have a motherly instinct.
As you learn, love and nurture your child, you will establish so many memories. Tackling your Motherhood Journey with Joy is not always easy. However, here are 20 helpful tips you can include in your motherhood journey!

20 Tips To Tackle Your Motherhood Journey with Joy
Moms Boost of Joy #1 Have Faith
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. To have guidance and a clear path for your purpose is so important to keep you strong and motivated to accomplish all the things you desire. Proverbs 3:5-6. One of my favorite scriptures. As mothers or just humans, we tend to stray in directions that are not meant to be permanent. However, your faith will give you the strength to focus and understand your purpose. As a child, I began to learn and seek God. The trials and tribulations that I have experienced were chapters in my life that I have overcome and conquered. Seeking understanding and gaining biblical knowledge helped me fight through trying (difficult) times. My faith in the Lord secures my soul and mind. It gives me physical, mental and emotional strength that encourages me to live life with peace of mind.
Motherhood Documentation #2 Take A Lot of Photos
Having many photos to reminisce on are the best. You will see your little ones growing so fast and wonder where time has gone. However, printing out photos and creating albums will give you easy access to reminisce. You can also display them near so family and friends can share those beautiful memories. It’s so much fun watching their reactions when we view old photos. Every time you open the albums you will catch yourself smiling away. You may also fill up with tears because you miss those precious moments. Taking a lot of photos is the best way to share and reminisce those beautiful moments.
Motherhood Energy #3 Stay Active
As a mom, you will begin to wonder where all your energy has gone. You are tired and sleepy, wishing you could just sit down and relax. However, incorporating an active routine into your daily activities can boost your typical energy level. Your body has adjusted to your normal routine. If you have to complete more than the typical tasks in one day, your body will respond as exhausted. But, If you work out, walk daily or even chase after the kids at the playgroup on a regular basis your body will adapt to an active routine. You will notice an increase in your energy level and multiple tasks will not tire you out as much. You definitely will need the boost of energy to chase your little ones around. They move so fast, literally. You can begin a workout indoors or outdoors. Walking is also great to incorporate as a routine or make it a family adventure.
Moms Hydration #4 Drink Plenty of Water
Being well-hydrated can make a big difference in your ability to think, perform activities of daily living and prevent complications. Water helps keep your skin hydrated and beautiful. Hydration can also minimize wrinkles, prevent headaches, moodiness, urinary tract infections and kidney stones. I always tell my kids, ” water keeps your organs hydrated and flushes out toxins”. 6 to 8 cups of water daily is the typical recommendation. It’s also easy to forget because we are always so busy. Keeping a water log can be a great reminder and motivator. You will definitely feel the difference in your daily performance when you’re well hydrated.
Mom and Child Departure #5 Prepare Your Mind For Major Milestone
Preparing for a major milestone is not as easy as you may think. This is the saddest and hardest part of being a mother. I’m sure we all have said “I can wait until you start school or go to college and even move out”. But once the time comes for these milestones you will be crying before you know it. You have grown an attachment and a sense of security knowing they are safe and happy in your presence. Their departure is absolutely normal for the process of their growth and development. Departures can also be hard on children. You can plan ahead and get them ready for the adjustment as well. For example, you can attend meet the teacher with your child. Explain to your child that this is your new teacher (Mrs. Holly) and you will see her in the morning. You can also take a picture of the teacher and school to encourage a good transition. This is not easy, but planning ahead can help prepare you for significant milestones.
Mommy Planner #6 Plan Ahead
Planning ahead will prepare your mind for upcoming tasks and events. As a new mom, I didn’t realize how important a planner was. But now I definitely utilize one to keep up with appointments, events, and tasks. This is a great technique to encourage you to tackle tasks without procrastinating. Planning ahead will also help you to not forget important things, and encourage time management and self-discipline. A planner and calendar will also be a great start to track events and to keep you organized.
Moms Deserve Their Personal Time #7 Self Care
As a mom, you have prioritized your time for everyone else and truly neglected yourself. . . You are doing duties and constantly making sacrifices for everyone other than yourself. Moms! I’ve been there and now it’s your time to experience relaxation, meditation and all the things that will boost your joy. Not only does self-care give you time for your wants and needs, but also boosts your self-confidence. So, Beautiful Mommies always remember you Absolutely… Positively… 100 Percent…Deserve it!!!!
What is Self Care?
Here is a story about two women who did not know anything about self-care.
Jane: What is self-care as a mother?
Holly: Ummm not quite sure. I never heard of that… Self Care?
Jane: Ok, maybe we should google it?
Jane: Self-care means to make time for yourself?
Holly: Like having a date night or going to dinner with friends… Or getting my hair and nails done… Or like a massage?
Jane: Yes Girl!!! That’s what google says.
Holly: Wow, I haven’t done anything like that in years.
The Truth: Well I am pleased to tell you all, you definitely deserve self-care. Self-care is very important for your physical, emotional and mental health. Not only that… it can prevent burnout and offer breaks that both you and your children need from each other.
Yesss! Moms you need and deserve your self-care. Feeling guilty to leave your little ones is normal for moms. The departure will be an adjustment, but it’ll get better as you experience more self-care adventures. Planning your self-care will get you prepared for your big day. This can also prepare your partner and children so everyone can be aware and ready for your departure. Self-care will give you the joy to continue being the best and doing your best as a mom.
Motherhood Achievements #8 Set Goals
Setting goals for yourself will help you thrive even harder to be your absolute best. You can set motherhood goals like spending one on one time with each child every week. Personal goals can include working toward something you always desired to achieve. Like creating a mom blog or writing a book. You can also create goals as a family to teach motivation and self-discipline. You will experience joy along the way as you achieve your goals.
Mom’s Dreams Still Matter #9 Create A Bucket List
I truly love this Tip. Creating a bucket list is a great idea. No matter how much time you think you don’t have, consider making time for yourself. Think of all the amazing places you dreamed of going, meeting your idol or even skydiving. Creating a bucket list will help you visualize and stick to accomplishing these adventures one by one.
Mommy Journal #10 Journal
Okay! Let’s get straight to the point. Moms hold things inside and refrain from expressing their feelings and emotions. Okay and that’s normal. For one, we are hormonal females. For two, we like to complain or should I say, make suggestions. Journaling about your life, how you feel, felt, your journeys, and joy can be a great habit. Trust me and try it out! You will be amazed. Especially, if you’re writing through emotion, anger or stress. What a day or two and reread it. This is a great stress reliever strategy. Journals are also great for documenting your day and writing poems encourages you to express your inner being.
Mommy Brain #11 Set Reminders
I wouldn’t doubt in a million years that all moms have experienced a mommy’s brain.
What is mommy’s brain?
- Putting the milk in the pantry
- Returning to your car after leaving the grocery store and realizing you left your car running.
- Forget scheduled appointments.
Moms tackle a lot of tasks and also try to do them in a timely manner. When your mind is racing faster than your physical body, you may become forgetful. This is when you realize it’s time to set reminders.
Declutter your mind #12 Organize Your Day
Organize your day with a daily or weekly organizer. Being organized can declutter your mind. The organization encourages focus and peace of mind.
Mommy Schedule #13 Start Your Mommy Routine
Routines are great to incorporate into your daily schedule. Having a consistent routine comes with a lot of great benefits. Routines are scheduled times that will give you the designated time to prepare, plan and motivate you to tackle your motherhood journey with joy. I want to share with you a few examples of consistent routines and why they are a great benefit.
Mommy Routine Benefits
- Less unexpected events throughout your day.
- THAT, yes that specific time already planned and prepared for your self-care.
- Your children will know what to expect beforehand.
- Encourages mental, physical, and emotional organization.
Additional example:
I have a toddler who has become used to having a learning routine incorporated into our daily schedule. However, when her learning routine is not completed, she will initiate it on her own. She will also show signs that she is not pleased that we did not complete it. She will seek her one on one attention by becoming mischievous. I have observed her and collected this data and uphold this solution. In addition, having her learning routine incorporated into our daily schedule encourages her behavior to be more predictable and pleasant. Ok, you may be wondering how this helps you tackle your motherhood journey with joy. To answer that ultimate question… Keeping a consistent routine as a mother will encourage your day to be more predictable and give you peace of mind knowing you have been productive. You are satisfied because your toddler is not running around seeking attention in a disturbing manner. You are now a happy camper.

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Moms Sleep #14 Sleep Schedule
Moms need a consistent sleeping schedule to rejuvenate and continue their never-ending to-do list. Having a good night’s rest is better than a triple chocolate cupcake. When you sleep, you are giving your body the time to recharge. If you don’t recharge you will begin feeling drained. Sleepless nights can cause headaches, moodiness and fatigue. A sleepless night can also affect your ability to be and do your best. However, you are not the only one that needs a good sleeping schedule. I can honestly say, putting my toddler on a sleeping schedule has changed my life. She is not waking up two to three times at night. We both are enjoying the benefits of a great sleeping schedule.
Prepare Meals #15 Meal Prep
Meal preparation has become one of my most convenient hobbies. It may take some time out of your day and save you hours throughout the week. Even if it’s only lunch or dinner and not all three meals, you will gain so much time for other priorities. Breakfast and lunch are the easiest and fastest to make. I chose to prep breakfast and dinner. Give it a try and you will see the great benefits!!!
Mom’s Support System #16 Moms need help too
Becoming a new mom or already an existing mom can be challenging at times. Guess what? Totally normal! It’s okay to get help from your family and friends. Moms do get burnt out and overwhelmed. This is definitely the time to seek help from your support group. You are a Supermom, but Supermoms are also human. For example, I would feel and become to believe, no one wants to be bothered with me blah, blah blah, I was wrong, they were more than happy to help. Your support team may help you by completing a task on your to-do list. They may watch your children so you can enjoy a break, time with your hubby, or some self-care. Don’t be afraid to ask and stop assuming you’re a burden. Utilize people you trust.
Mommy and Partner #17 Make Time for your Partner
Love On Hubby! Nothing like some TLC and I’m sure you both deserve it. Maybe a dinner and a movie or just a walk in the park. Mommy and partner time is your time to communicate, smile and be free from your children. I know that may sound a little harsh, but it’s true. Even if your time with your partner is just an hour a week, consider it done. Doing this can encourage time to communicate more and enhance your relationship.
Mom’s Fresh Air #18 Enjoy the Outdoors
Refreshing air is a great time for meditation, rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit. especially in the mornings, when it’s not too hot or too cold outside. It can be so peaceful and relaxing. You should definitely give it a try. Sometimes I use the fresh air as an outlet during upsetting times. Sometimes, I just want to smell the fresh air, look at the sky, and gaze away. The outdoors have truly helped me rejuvenate my mind, body, and spirit. Not only is it a refresher for struggling situations, but also a great place to include your children. Both you and your babies can enjoy the outdoors.
SuperMom and Beyond #19 Take a Break
Working, cleaning, cooking, constant nurturing, and so on! You probably feel like, “Well if I don’t do it nobody else will”. Yes! I definitely feel like that sometimes. In my motherhood journey, I learned that time is so precious and I’m not going to spend it all on working, cleaning, cooking, and so on. I remember working every holiday, missing my children’s firsts, and also working every Christmas, every Easter. By the way, both are my favorite holidays, but yeah. Who wants to work every holiday and every birthday? Every year! I realized those moments are priceless and irreplaceable. Now with cleaning, I decided to clean at night so the house will be clean in the morning. This gave me the opportunity to enjoy a clean house in the morning and watch a little Law and Order”. That’s a little something that makes me happy, lol. I also include my two oldest. It’s a great way to encourage responsibility and homemaking skills. Cooking? Chick Fa Lay! Here we come. A number 7 grilled chicken sandwich, fries, and lemonade, please. The kids love the nugget meal. Always! If you have older children it’s time to teach them how to cook lol. I also enjoy this time together. Supermoms and beyond deserve a break. Do you need a break from work? Take a vacation/request off. Do you need a break from cleaning? Create a chore chart/get your kids involved. Don’t feel like cooking. Get some Chick-fil-A!!! Don’t be too hard on yourself and enjoy taking a break.
Perfect Mom #20 Be the Best
As we all know we are not perfect. Even though our children view us as perfect we know the truth. I really thought I was the perfect mom. I was working around the clock, prepping and cooking three meals a day. Always tired with no energy to do the little things with my family. My children would always ask me was I off on Christmas or if they could open their gifts on Christmas Eve. Giving all of us the opportunity to be together. I was comfortable with my lifestyle but not as happy as I could have been. Not making any time for myself nor being involved in those sweet little firsts. My lifestyle was not letting me do that. I then realized a perfect Mom would not feel regret and miss out on the little things. So, I adjusted my lifestyle. It took some time, assistance, and self-discipline. Being the perfect mom is hard to balance, but now I can say I will do my best in everything I do. No more perfect Mommy!

Mother to Mother Inspiration!
Motherhood is not always a piece of cake. When you find yourself feeling lost or venturing away from your true self, take a minute and reference to your new “Motherhood Guide”.
Motherhood Affirmation
Free Motherhood Affirmation Printables. Download both and choose your favorite design!

Find the Joy in all the things you do!
As a proud mother of four Amazing Kiddos, I am more than happy to share with you all my initial Motherhood experience. I will continue to share more motherhood testimonials to give you courage, inspiration, and motivation. You are and will be a wonderful mother. Always believe in yourself and never give up hope. Tackle your Motherhood Journey with Joy!!!