
#5 Autism Name Recognition Strategies: How to Encourage Autistic Children to Answer to their Name

Autism Name Recognition Strategies

Name Recognition Strategies for Autistic Children

Name Recognition is an important aspect of your child’s development. Autistic children may need extra reinforcers to encourage their understanding. You can start encouraging name recognition today.

Autistic children have a few similarities in regards to not responding to the name or making eye contact. To see the progress you are encouraged to implement strategies that build progress from the ground up. Or you can say the basics of early childhood development. Starting your teaching implementation early in your child’s life is the best way to start. I didn’t realize, I will have to teach my daughter her name. I also realized some things we consider basic is considered advanced for some Autistic Children. The Autism Spectrum presents itself in a unique manner. Some Autistic children may have very similar signs and symptoms to very different.

What are Name Recognition Strategies?

Name Recognition Strategies is the understanding of one’s name being voiced. Your child’s recognition of their name being voiced encourages eye contact, interaction and participation when hearing their own name.

Autism Learning

Autistic children have specific preferences. These preferences range from their likes and dislikes. Understanding your child and observing his/her behavior, likes dislikes signs and symptoms will give you the guidance to adapt and become accustomed to your child’s Autism Diagnosis. Children with Autism require the basics of learning to grasp the concept. Their little brain needs consistency, redirection, eye-level interaction, and tons of repetition for the proper understanding. Let’s not forget time and patience. However, talking to your child and being very descriptive throughout the day, everyday implements the extra repetition your child needs. Teaching the basics of name recognition to your child will encourage memorization, understanding, responding, and identification of their name.

#5 Autism Name Recognition Strategies: How to Encourage Autistic Children to Answer to their Name

5 Name Recognition Strategies You Can Start Today!

Teaching your child the basics of understanding who they are can be fun and an easy process. Your child will show you signs of memorization and understanding of his/her name. Let’s jump right into the teaching strategies!

#1 Call Your Child By Their Name Frequently

Encourage your child to memorize, understand and identify his or her name. Calling your child by their name frequently gives your child the additional repetition needed to discover their identity. Children initially have to learn their name in order to understand that this is (my name). Utilize name repetition throughout the day and during all activities of daily living.

#2 Point To Your Child And Say Their Name

Pointing to your child and saying their name separates him or her from everyone else present. Pointing encourages understanding and identification. Saying his or her name in addition to pointing offers your child ownership of their name. This is a great technique for your child to process and understands this is (my name).

#3 Put A Picture of Your Child At Eye Level

Put a picture of your child at eye level so your child can see him or herself daily. You can actively participate by pointing and saying your child’s name and having them return demonstration. Also, the picture can be an additional reminder for daily practice. Truthfully, children love to see themselves. Your child may admire their photo. Their initial reaction to seeing themself is so adorable.

Hint: Have your camera ready for their reaction. It’s priceless!

This technique has the best results!

#4 Create A Collage

Creating a collage will encourage your child to identify themselves. You can create a photo collage of mommy, daddy, sister, and brother. You can ask your child where he or she is and assist with pointing. This can be a fun rewarding activity for both of you, especially to see them identify themselves!!!

#5 Get Everyone Involved

Last but not least, everyone needs to be on the same page. Yes, she mommy’s “Sweet Little Angel” or my Ladybug, but a nickname will only confuse your child. This strategy is the most complex because we naturally speak a love language to our little ones. Getting everyone involved offers your child more repetition. He/she is not only hearing you say their name but everyone saying their name.

Your child may be one of many children who requires a ton of repetition. Autistic children process information in their own unique way. Repetition will encourage your child to memorize, understand, identify and process information. Here are the 5 strategies that will encourage your child to respond to their name.

#5 Autism Name Recognition Strategies: How to Encourage Autistic Children to Answer to their Name

#5 Free Autism Name Recognition Strategies

5 Name Recognition Strategies to encourage your child to memorize, understand, identify and respond to his/her name.

Name Recognition Benefits

Name recognition for children with Autism are very important skills to address in your child’s early years. Starting early with teaching name recognition is an early intervention implemented by you. I truly love the idea of being the person who taught my Autistic child her name. Your active participation in practicing these strategies will encourage your child to respond to their name. Children grasp so much knowledge within their primary environment. This consists of you, family, siblings, and friends. You are the primary benefit in your child’s life to help them progress. Additional benefits include:


Your child has to learn his or her name first. Ask yourself, “how can I help my child learn his or her name?” What can I do to encourage my child to memorize his or her name? The 5 strategies are your baseline guide to establishing memorization for name recognition. Your child will begin to memorize his or her name. Memorization is conducted in everyday activities. As your child hears their name frequently throughout the day, you will begin to observe some form of acknowledgment.


Your child has to learn his or her name first. Daily name recognition activities will encourage memorization. The repetition of all the wonderful name recognition activities you have included in your daily schedule is finally working. Your child now knows that his or her name is specifically theirs. For example, you may say “Johnny it’s dinner time”, and he will migrate to the kitchen table where you always have the food prepared. He will come without you even saying “come to the table.” This is a definite indication of memorization. He may also present notable indicators of name recognition memorization, by following commands upon a request. For example, you may say “Johnny sit at the table please”, or “Johnny, clean up your Toys” and he does. Even though he did not answer you verbally, but acknowledging your request is a tremendous step.

Identifying his/her Name

Your child has processed and programmed their name inside of their little brains as their identity. Your child now knows once he or she hears their name it requires a response. However, this does not mean they will always acknowledge you. When children are distracted by something more appealing than their name, they will ignore you or deliver a delayed response. Yes! It happens all the time.

Responding To Name!

Children on the Spectrum may respond to their names differently. You may observe gestures, and eye contact, or hear them vocally. Your child’s acknowledgment of their name begin called is a gift!!!

Autism Resources for Parents

Autism Diagnosis: Short Story

As a mother whose daughter was diagnosed with Autism at two years of age, I didn’t know where to begin. I was unfamiliar with the diagnosis. However, I wanted to see my daughter progress and offer her the opportunities that exist for all children. This journey has been a life-changing adventure. I research Autism and observed her specific need, her strengths, and weakness to create resources for parents and families on the same journey as us. My daughter had weaknesses in areas of not answering to her name or making eye contact. I observed her to make sure a hearing deficit wasn’t present. Also, had her evaluated to confirm she is hearing well. I adjusted my lifestyle to implement an early learning environment for her at home. Her developmental skills and knowledge of early learning have progressed dramatically with early intervention implemented in our home. Her ability to grasp concepts with repetition in all areas proved she is no different from the average early learner. She has given me the inspiration to create SupeMomInfinity for you!

Below you are welcome to watch the “How to teach children with Autism to respond to their Name” video!

Do you have some awesome name recognition strategies that have helped your child with Name Recognition? If so, feel free to share your tips with our community.

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