Special Needs Visual Communication Potty Training Activity
Potty Pocket is a fun visual interactive potty training activity to encourage children “to let someone know when they need to go!!!” Toddlers are the typical age to begin potty training and the transition from diapers to the toilet can be challenging. However, Potty Pocket encourages interaction to either raise the peep, poop, or toilet images high to the sky with excitement or use the image as visual cues to let you know when he or she needs to go.
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Special Needs Potty Training Communication Printables
Toddlers are at the age when communication skills are still being developed. Potty POCKET is definitely a communication activity your little one can use in the meantime.
Bashful Bowel and Bladder
In the early years of childhood development, many children experience a period of time when they feel bashful about peeing or pooping on the toilet. Many children especially toddlers have a fear of peeing and pooping in the toilet. Toileting fears and anxiety and also the process of expelling pee and poop from the body may be a challenge for your child.
Requesting to go pee or poop can cause your child to feel bashful which leads them to go in their diaper. You may even notice that your child hides to use it in their diaper, especially for pooping. Hiding during this time can also mean your child is seeking a quiet and private place to take care of his or her business. This behavior is very common during the early years of childhood development.
How to help Bashful Toileting Behaviors?
Peeping is not the typical activity your little one is thinking about. For toddlers and potty training beginners, there’s really nothing exciting about stopping whatever has the child’s attention or missing out on something exciting just to go pee. Your child knows there is a second option of expelling pee or poop because they have adapted to going in the diaper for almost a whole year. A solution for bashful peeing is to make potty time fun, interesting and exciting. Asking the child if he or she needs to go usually results in a no response. Orientating your child to their new potting environment is the initial step. Peeing in the potty on a routine basis is also very helpful to get your little one adjusted to the transition from diaper to the toilet and adapted to their new potty environment.
Children are also very smart and can feel your vibe when you are changing a poopy diaper. Even though it may stink, it’s not nice to frown or say “you stink”. The child sees your facial expressions and reactions which cause your child to hide and poop, refuse to communicate their pooping needs and lead to bashful toiling behaviors. Here are a few ideas you can consider to prevent or make bashful toileting behaviors go away:
- Provide privacy
- Never say “you stink” of other similar Phrases
- Sing a favorite song during diaper changing/ toileting
- Praise/reward through their toilet training journey
Read More About “10 Potty Training Tips To Prevent and Reverse Bashful Bowel and Bladder”.
At Home Potty Training Activity For Special Needs
Potty Pocket is a great communication motivator that will encourage your child to express or demonstrate his or her toileting needs. This activity was also designed for nonverbal children, children with speech and language delays, Autism, and Special Needs. Potty Pocket is a great motivational toileting activity for early learners.
Autism Potty Training Communication Activity
Communication needs and wants for children with Autism can be a challenge for your child to express. Potty Pocket is an assistive device you can use to practice communication skills and encourage specific elimination needs of the bowel and bladder. It’s also a fun activity to help your little one feel fearless and excited about going to the toilet!!!
Speech Delay Potty Training Visuals
Potty Pocket is an awesome visual communication activity for any age child who needs assistance in meeting his or her toileting need!!! Potty Pocket can motivate children with speech and language delays to point or hold up an image when he or she needs to go. The repetition of hearing, viewing, and practicing sounds and words of the image can also encourage vocal pronunciation of the words: pee, poop, potty, and toilet!!!
Toileting Activity for Non-Verbal Children
Children who are non-verbal can also practice pointing and holding up the images to communicate their toileting needs. Potty Pocket is definitely a fun potty training activity for all children. Potty Pocket motivates children to be excited about going! The goal of Potty Pocket is to eliminate bashful bowel/bladder whether it’s caused by fear or anxiety. Potty Pocket is excited to offer your little one the assistance needed to communicate and motivate their toileting needs.
Special Needs Potty Training Printable Activity
Potty Pocket is a printable activity designed to meet the toileting needs of all children. Potty Pocket’s printable set includes a 11×8.5 poster that displays an image of pee and poop. Three wristlet size potty visuals for on the go. Last but not least, Potty Pocket!
Toileting Communication Poster
Your visual toileting communication activity includes an 11 x 8.5 Potty Poster you can adhere to the bathroom door. Encourage your little one to point to the pee or poop image on the poster. Pointing encourages nonverbal and speech-delayed children’s communication skills by letting you know their needs and wants. The Potty Training Poster offers visual repetition to help your child, memorize the images, understand the images and words, and independently identify their toileting needs.

Visual Potty Cards for Special Needs Children
You will receive three potty visual cards that can be accessible for “on the go”. Making a wristlet out of the pee, poop, and toilet image is a great idea you can use. The potty training visual wristlet will offer the additional repetition needed for the individual to communicate his or her potty/toileting needs.
How to use Potty Pocket?
Potty Pocket can adhere to an area your child mostly utilizes. It can be placed on the wall or on a table visible to the child. However, you will need to instruct your toddler on how to use Potty Pocket, and the best way to do so is to use the show, tell, and demonstration method.
Show your child the Potty Pocket and the 3 images attached to the popsicle stick. Also, orientate your child on how to insert and remove the popsicle sticks. Tell and explain each image to encourage your child’s understanding. Potty Pocket’s purpose is to build a potty communication system between you and your child.
Now it’s time for your to demonstrate Potty Pocket’s use by acting out a scenario. Pretend you have to use the potty. First, you want to remove the pee image and point to the pee. Pointing is a communication strategy used for nonverbal and speech-delayed children.
Next, you’ll raise the pee image by the popsicle stick high to the high. Raising the images to the sky is an action informing the parent that the child needs to pee. This strategy is also a form of communication for special needs children.
Lastly, I recommend voicing the description of the image because continuous voicing and pronunciation can encourage your child to memorize the word. Your child may hear the word pee and migrate to their potty area. This will let you know your child is understanding you and the word pee. Your child will gradually begin to understand and identify all the images. Use the show, tell, and demonstration method for the visual wristlets and poster board too.
Potty Pocket Materials Needed
Let’s put your potty pocket together!!! Here is a list of all the items and materials needed to create your very own Potty Pocket for your little one.
Hp Printer
As I ventured into creating printable learning binders and activities, I knew it was time to invest in a printer. Lol, it was an asset for my business and my current one only held black ink. I also tried another version of Hp, but it gave me a few complications. I then bought this Hp Printer and have been truly satisfied ever since.
Potty Pocket Paper Type for Printing
Ok, I totally love Amazon and their products, but to be honest. I tried Neenah Bright White but the paper has a slight yellow tint to it. Neenah will do the job but I have a specific preference when it comes to cardstock paper. Amazon also has a brand I recently tried out called PrintWorks and I can say it’s acceptable for creating printables. PrintWorks cardstock is my second favorite!
Now my most recommendable cardstock paper is Pen Gear Cardstock at Walmart! The paper is thick and it holds the color of ink almost to the “T”. Sam’s Club also has a brand that I really like too, it’s the Exact Index, Cardstock.
Quick Note: Regular copy paper may alter the color quality of your printables. Some printers may also alter the color quality. The configuration of your printer may need to be run again if your color quality is not meeting your expectations. Office Depot is an optional printing service you can use for printing quality colors on cardstock paper.
Laminating Machine for Printables
To create your Potty Training Activity you will also need a laminating machine. I literally thought this investment was going to be expensive, but I can say it wasn’t and definitely gets the job done. Scotch Laminating Machines have been a part of my business for two years strong and never gave me any complications.
Laminating Sheets
Here are the thermal laminating sheets also needed to create printable activities. I have played around with quite a few different brands and these are my favorite. With both the laminating machine and sheets, I always slide the laminating pouches in twice just to make sure everything has adhered tightly together.
Cutting out pieces for your printable requires scissors. Not saying a specific brand is better than the next, but it’s definitely a must-have. I like to have a few scissors nearby because it’s always something I’m looking for.
3 Jumbo Popsicle Sticks
Your potty training visuals for Potty Pocket require 3 jumbo popsicle sticks to adhere to the back of the images and labels. The popsicle stick is accessible to most children and gives the child the opportunity to interact with the images. It’s also great for encouraging eye/hand coordination and fine motor development.
Hot Glue Gun
To adhere the images to the popsicle stick you will also need a hot glue gun to make Potty Pocket come to life!
Phone Cord Hair Tie
Your Potty Pocket also includes 3 communication cards that are accessible for “on the go” and works great with the phone cord hair ties. Your child will be able to have the cards readily available on their little wrists for communicating their toileting needs.
Metal Book Ring
You will need one metal book ring for your wristlet. Your potty visual wristlet is great to have for on the go.
Hole Puncher
No need to get fancy when it comes to a hole puncher lol, but you will need it to punch the holes in your 3 communication cards. You will punch out the little circles on the potty cards, add the keyring loop, attach the phone cord hair tie and your on-the-go communication visual cards are ready to be used.

Benefits of Potty Pocket
Visual Potty communication printable activity for kids offers a fun interactive potty training experience for your little one. The Potty Pocket Printable set encourages communication of bowel and bladder elimination and prevents bashful toileting. Potty Pocket is now available as a classroom set for daycares and schools. Encourage your little ones to become fearless and excited about going to the potty!!!
Potty Training Visual Reward Chart
Potty Pocket’s Visual Images are also included in The Potty Training Visual Reward Chart. A potty training rewards chart is a great reward system to encourage your child to use the potty. If your child is bashful about going to the potty The Potty Chart can help give your child an extra motivational boost.
Discover the benefits of the Potty Rewards Chart and how it’s designed to meet the needs of your child!!! You may also enjoy Baby Potato Head Potty Printable Activity.