Prepare For Your Baby’s First Photo Shoot
The big day you have been waiting for is finally here. Your Little One’s First Photo Shoot! But wait, are you ready? Do you have all your baby’s maybes and what if’s packed in your baby bag and ready to go? If you do, you are all set and ready for the big day. If not, you are definitely in the right spot. After having four kids Mommy Brain has totally taken over my life. If you are not familiar with what Mommy Brain is here are a few examples:
★ Putting the milk in the pantry instead of the refrigerator.
★ Putting clothes in the trash can instead of the hamper.
★ Forgetting to take your car keys out of the ignition before you go into the store.
Yes, it is real! But have no fear, I am here. I will give my top tips and tips to make your big day go as smoothed as possible. To include, be aware of unpredictable moments. Baby’s are unpredictable and you may not be prepared for the outcome. I remember taking my oldest daughter to her very first photoshoot. I was so anxious and excited. I just didn’t know how prepared we should have been.
Baby’s First Photoshoot: Story Time
Baby’s are unpredictable. My first daughter’s photo session did not go as planned. Matter of fact I wasn’t even prepared. My vision of her photoshoot was all about seeing her in that super-cute outfit and seeing her precious smile. I had a baby bag packed. But guess what? No extra clothing. She also arrived in her picture-perfect outfit. Ok, Let’s get to the good part. We arrived at the studio and I carried her in. She was still sitting in her car seat. I pick her up and that’s when I notice something that I didn’t want to believe. A whiff of “oh no”. She had a blowout! I didn’t quite understand why it had to happen that day and not yesterday or may tomorrow. Her beautiful dress was ruined and the session was over. Ok, let’s rewind just a little. The dress was ruined from the back. The photographer was super sweet and suggested a few positions to compromise the situation. We made it happen. Her photos turned out beautifully. However, the memory will always be there.
This question was asked above. Let me ask you again. Are you sure you are ready? Yes, no, maybe. I got you covered. Say “goodbye” to mommy’s brain and blowouts because your how-to guide is here!!!
Baby’s First Photoshoot Guide
Your checklist includes the top 10 tips for a successful baby’s first photoshoot. Planning ahead and preparing for this precious moment will make this big day a success. Here is your guide to help you achieve a successful photoshoot!!!

Schedule The Big Day!
Schedule your baby’s photo session on a day that is not one of your busiest days. Check the weather prior to scheduling to make sure this day lands on a day you truly desire. Also, include a nap for your baby prior to his/ her photo session. Yayyyyy!!! You are on the right track. This day is going to be perfect.
Bag Packed
Packing a baby bag for your baby. You will include everything needed for a typical day. Diaper, wipes, feeding essential, change of clothes, and so on. This is a great tip to help you be prepared and plan ahead for the big day!
Time Management
Time management for you and your baby is very important. On this day you do not want to be rushed or be rushing. You are already familiar with your baby’s typical routine. You may already know how long feedings take, nap times are and how often diaper changing takes place. This will help you manage most of the predictable activities of your day.
After your little one’s sweet precious nap, you will give your baby a full belly. A nice warm bottle or lactation is probably within their preference. A full belly can prevent crankiness and stops along the way. Feeding baby prior can possibly keep their little belly full until the session is over.
Hint: Be ready to feed your baby upon completion of his/her photo session.
Baby’s tend to pee or poo shortly after a feeding. Give your baby’s little belly time to digest. Change baby before getting him/her into their cute little outfit. However, baby’s are unpredictable human beings. Even though the change was completed in chronological order, it can happen again. The next step will give you more insight.
Pre Dress
Parents this is the most important step to follow. Again I will elaborate on how unpredictable babies are. If it’s time to pee or poo, it’s coming and you can’t stop it. But wait, you can definitely prevent their picture-perfect outfit from a blowout. To prevent unexpected blowouts from ruining your child’s outfit, I highly recommend you to only pre-dress your baby. I know you really want him/her to be super cute going into the session, but trust me and thank me later. Pre-dressing can include all the accessories, socks, hat, headbands, undershirt, etc. However, the picture-perfect outfit has to be far far far away from your baby. Once you arrive at their photo session it is now time to check their diaper once more and put that cute little outfit on.
Bring a prop
A prop is a great distraction for your baby. It can also be a motivator to encourage your baby to smile. Props are always on our must-have list for a photoshoot. To give you some ideas of props, you may consider a teddy bear, rattle, book, bell, soft toys and more. Consider something your baby finds interest in and also match his/her attire.

Bring a Guest
Planning, preparing, managing, packing and all the above can be a little overwhelming. This is the perfect reason for bringing a quest. Your guest is also an extra set of hands that will encourage the big day to run even smoother. I’m sure your guest would just love to be present for this special moment. Don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member.
Enjoy the Moment
Your baby’s first photo shoot is finally here. You and your little one are ready and everything is running smoothly. Predictable and unpredictable moments may occur and that’s what makes the day even more special. Here is my third daughter’s first photo shoot. I was well prepared and followed the steps above. The “How to Prepare your Baby for their First photo Shoot Guide” definitely works. After a few blowouts and not being properly prepared, I wanted to share with you all this amazing guide. Enjoy this precious moment.
Iyana’s First Photos

“Precious Little Moments in Life, Brings A Lifetime worth of Memories”
Holly Ware
Share your Photo Shoot Story!
Share your unpredictable moments that come without notice. You are also welcome to share additional tips that made your baby’s photo session run smoothly.