Potty Training Reward Chart for Children with Autism
The Potty Training Rewards Chart for Autistic children encourages a fun potty training experience for your child. Potty training a child with Autism can be challenging. However, offering rewards will boost your child’s potty participation.
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Is Your Autistic Child Ready to Potty Train?
Let’s be patient! I tried it at age 2, but my daughter wasn’t quite ready and it was very noticeable that she had no interest in using the potty. Continue informing your child that this is the potty area where you will peep and poop. At 2 and a half years old, she began to show interest in the potty area. We tried a consistent potty schedule and by 3 she was totally potty trained. Yayyy!
A potty training rewards chart is a great reward system to encourage your child to use the potty. If your child is bashful about going to the potty a potty chart can help.
Having a positive diaper changing experience will lead to a positive potty training journey for your child. Read More on 10 Tips to Prevent and Reverse Bashful Bowel and Bladder for Toddlers
How does a Visual Chart benefit children with Autism?
Many Autistic children naturally adapt to routine. If this behavior is noted within your child, a visual chart will help them see what happened, what’s present, and what comes next. You have the opportunity to choose a layout that meets the need of your child.
Potty Training Children with Autism
Potty training a child with Autism requires a ton of repetition. Toileting repetition means to be consistent, literally on a timed schedule. This will encourage your child to adapt to and understand the purpose of the toileting area. Repetition on a routine schedule is one of our favorite potty training strategies. However, introducing your child to the potty area is also very important to perform before potty training begins.
The Best Potty Training Reward System for Children with Autism
Why is the Potty Training Reward Chart the best potty training chart for children with Autism? The Potty Chart was created specifically to meet the needs of Autistic children. Understanding your child’s specific preferences, likes and dislikes are important factors to consider when finding the best products for the individual. However, children with autism are noted to line things up vertically or horizontally. You have the option to offer a vertical potty chart or a horizontal chart to your child. The printable design is accessible both ways!!!
Autism Information Processing
Have you noticed your child line up toys/items horizontally or vertically? Does he or she also feel as if they have accomplished something by showing excitement once the items are lined up? If so your child is processing information and organizing his or her thoughts in a unique way that is self-fulling for your child. Lining up toys/items is an early sign of Autism. Observing this specific sign of my daughter delivered me the creativity to offer printables and activities dedicated to this action.

Autism Horizontal Information Processing
If you notice your child who has Autism lining up toys or objects horizontally, he or she is likely to interact and process the concept of the horizontal layout of our Potty Rewards Chart.

Autism Vertical Information Processing
Vertical processing for Autistic children who lines toys or objects vertically will process information best with the vertical layout!!!! Choose the layout by observing your child’s preferred information processing method.
Special Education Potty Training Visual
The Potty Reward Visual is also great for children with special needs. Offering a minimal distraction visual chart can encourage your child’s participation and engagement. Potty Rewards of your choice give you the opportunity to use what you already have as a reward. The smiley face, star, and present/surprise box are universal and can become any reward option you will like your child to have. The reward chart is an additional motivator for your child’s potty training journey.

Potty Training Rewards Chart Printable Includes:
The Potty Rewards Chart printable is in the formate of a pdf file you will receive access to download.
1. Potty Training Header Banner
The potty training banner is positioned above all elements included with the potty chart. The banner includes 3 illustrations and a description of its use.
One potty banner
2. Potty Tracker
The potty tracker includes 5 colored boxes, which you will use to track your child’s pee and poop output. I prefer to start with red and end with orange. The 5 boxes are a dedicated number to eliminate excessive distractions for your child.
one potty tracker
3. Pee, Poop, and Toilet Images
The pee and poop images are visuals your child can view. Viewing and understanding what is actually coming out of the body is important for your child to know and understand. The toilet visual is also included and optional per your preference.
5 Pee Visuals, 5 Poop Visuals, 5 toilet Visuals
4. Potty Reward Banner
The rewards banner is located under or beneath the potty tracker. It’s a visual word that guides your child to their potty reward.
5. Green Potty Arrow
The green arrow point to a selection of rewards or can be used to point to just one reward. This will be the indicator of the reward your child will receive upon completing the potty tracker.
You can use one reward visual or give your child a choice between a few rewards. This encourages your child to make choices which is a great form of communication and independence.
6. Potty Rewards
Yayyy!!! Finally to the fun part. You will receive 12 rewards images created to meet the needs of everyone’s preference. Your 12 reward visuals are a variety of items/treats your will display for your child to view what he or she is working to receive. The reward visuals are motivators for your child’s potty training journey.
Once the 5 box tracker is completed you can offer the reward that is available within your environment for your child. The Potty Rewards Visuals include:
- stickers
- balloon
- smile face
- surprise box
- cookie
- ice cream
- popsicle
- star
- lollipop
- ring pop
- candy jar
- marshmallows
The reward images include a variety to meet the specific preferences within your environment.

Potty Chart Printable Materials Needed
To collectively create your potty chart you will need a few supplies. First will need a printer to print your download file and scissors to cut the images out. You will also need a laminating machine and laminating sheet to put the potty chart together. Lastly, magnetic sheets to cut and adhere to the back of all the images. Velcro pieces can also be used. Placing the potty chart within your child’s potty training environment. You can also use a white magnetic board that makes the potty chart even easier to maintain and store for long-term use.
Here are all my materials that assist me with creating freebies and printables for our SuperKidsInfinity!!!
Hp Printer
As I ventured into creating printable learning binders and activities, I knew it was time to invest in a printer. Lol, it was an asset for my business and my current one only held black ink. I also tried another version of Hp, but it gave me a few complications. I then bought this Hp Printer and have been truly satisfied ever since.
Cardstock Paper
Cardstock paper is definitely a must-have for printing printables. I tried Neenah Bright White but the paper has a slight yellow tint to it. Neenah will do the job but I have a specific preference when it comes to cardstock paper.
I fell in love with Pen Gear Cardstock at Walmart! The paper is thick and it holds the color of ink almost to the “T”. Sam’s Club also has a brand that I really like too, it’s the Exact Index, Cardstock.
Quick Note: Regular copy paper may alter the color quality of your printables. Some printers may also alter the color quality. The configuration of your printer may need to be run again if your color quality is not meeting your expectations. Office Depot is an optional printing service you can use for printing quality colors on cardstock paper.
Laminating Machine
To create your reward chart you will also need a laminating machine. I literally thought this investment was going to be expensive, but I can say it wasn’t and definitely gets the job done. Scotch Laminating Machines have been a part of my business for two years strong and never gave me any complications.
Laminating Pouches
Here are the thermal laminating sheets also needed to create long-lasting printables. I have played around with quite a few different brands and these are my favorite. With both the laminating machine and sheets, I always slide the laminating pouches in twice just to make sure everything has adhered tightly together.
Cutting out pieces for your learning binder requires scissors. Not saying a specific brand is better than the next, but it’s defiantly a must-have. I like to have a few scissors nearby because it’s always something I’m looking for.
Velcro Pieces
Velcro pieces are optional and should be considered alongside your child’s fine motor ability. You can adhere them to the activity sheets with the velcro pieces. This is optional but I prefer magnetic sheets for the reward chart.
Magnetic Circles
Magnetic circles are another optional accessory. I typically do not use them for the learning binders, however, they are great for other printable activities. Magnetic circles are also great for moveable pieces and can adhere to the magnetic sheets very well.
Magnetic Sheets
The magnetic sheets can be cut to fit specific printable activity needs. This works great for adhering activity on the refrigerator and whiteboards.
More Autism Visuals and Potty Training Activities You May Like
SuperkidsInfinity’s No School vs. School Days Schedule is a great example to view an activity adhering to a refrigerator with magnetic sheets. Our Mr. Potato Head Activities are also fun activities you can adhere to your refrigerator too!!! Potty Pocket is another great potty training activity to encourage toileting communication and the prevention of bashful bowel and bladder.